I realize I age like any other mortal. I creak. I ache. Now, I can't just eat anything I want. Ok, let's not panic here. I had a jalapeno and cheese bagel which disagreed with me the MOMENT I got it down. Why does this warrant a blog post? Actually, it doesn't. Next question.
Why does this show up on my radar? Because I used to be able to eat damn near anything without more than a brief moment of discomfort followed by some gurgle or burp that made it all better. You know, like when the Tasmanian Devil swallows some dynamite, his stomach swells for a second and then he spits out some smoke? Just like that!! Ahh, youth.
Feeling this bit of mortal discomfort made me understand how Superman felt when he got slapped around by that trucked dude from Gremlins in Superman 2. Clark and Lois were at that little diner somewhere...was it in Metropolis or somewhere out in the arctic? I was never clear on where that place was. Hmmm. But when Clark gets tossed off of Gremlin dude's stool and sees the blood on his face, he has this expression that's a mix of shock, disbelief, fear and shame. I know how that feels now.
Or...could've been a bagel that would have turned anyone else into a pile of puking, diarrheal mush. Yeah! That's it!! Now I've found my conveniently placed power crystal that restores me in the event I step into the oddly placed chamber robbing me of my powers!!! If you don't know what I'm talking about, you really need to watch Superman 2.
My Series (Current and upcoming)
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Tell 'em I sent ya!
This is a cool time. Well...not actually COOL because I'm sweating into my Count Chokula (Chocula?? The cereal vampire and friend to Frankenberry. You know!) t-shirt as I'm writing this. By "cool" I mean great because it's finally time to see the fruits of a few labors. First of all, I got my first ebook out there as promised and have already begun working on others. Second, do you remember me talking about another website hosted by me and two other authors? Well, even if you don't remember that, the website is up and running!
It's called The Adventure Factory and it specializes in high-octane action and...yes...adventure! Cool stuff like westerns, steampunk, science fiction and thrillers will be shown there, most of which will be ebook originals. All three of us will be blogging there, so stop by and take a look at what we have to offer. As time goes on, keep checking in because a bunch of new books will be spotlighted. (spotlit?? No that doesn't sound right. Good thing I don't work with words). Anyway...click here to check it out!
This blog isn't going anywhere, so don't worry. I'll still be here griping about the regular bunch of nonsense. At least over at AF, you can read someone else's gripes for a change. And before some of you comment, yes I do know there are already other sites out there called Adventure Factory. But do those sites have pics of me in sweaty t-shirts glorifying old cereal mascots? DIDN'T THINK SO!!!!
It's called The Adventure Factory and it specializes in high-octane action and...yes...adventure! Cool stuff like westerns, steampunk, science fiction and thrillers will be shown there, most of which will be ebook originals. All three of us will be blogging there, so stop by and take a look at what we have to offer. As time goes on, keep checking in because a bunch of new books will be spotlighted. (spotlit?? No that doesn't sound right. Good thing I don't work with words). Anyway...click here to check it out!
This blog isn't going anywhere, so don't worry. I'll still be here griping about the regular bunch of nonsense. At least over at AF, you can read someone else's gripes for a change. And before some of you comment, yes I do know there are already other sites out there called Adventure Factory. But do those sites have pics of me in sweaty t-shirts glorifying old cereal mascots? DIDN'T THINK SO!!!!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
More wisdom from Dr. Jones
First of all, the good news. After a little bit of a delay, Paris is Melting is now available for the Nook! Here's a link to pick it up at Barnes & Noble.com. While you're there, if you need to get your ebook copy of any of the Skinners books, those are still on sale. They make a great gift for Dad or anyone else. See, this is what I'm really bad at. I'm not much of a salesman. Unfortunately, writers need to sell themselves big time even if they're published through the big New York houses. That is, of course, unless you qualify for the ever-present asterisk when talking about the downside to being a professional writer. For example....Most professional writers don't get huge ad campaigns to sell their books*. Most of us can't retire after seeing our babies on the shelves*. And...most of us still need the occasional day job* (* = unless you're the author of whatever young adult series happens to be hot at the time...or Stephen King.) That asterisk is kind of like the fortune cookie game where you tack on "in bed" to everything. Only the asterisk occasionally makes me want to shoot myself in the face. Heh. Wah-wahhhhhh.

Anyway, now that Paris is Melting is out, I am able to check my sales (or lack thereof) anytime I want. Is this a nifty gadget? Yes. Should I do it very often? No*. See, I knew my sales wouldn't be astronomical right away. It's a new book and I haven't started promoting it yet. Still, even though I'm just glad to see it out there, I keep checking! This is where Indy's sage advice comes in. "Don't look at it, Marcus! No matter what happens, just keep your eyes SHUT!" Ok, so in my mind he says Marcus instead of Marion. Is that weird? NO! Some people get angels talking to them or media advisers. Some of us don't get people in fancy offices looking out for our best interests*! So let me have Indy!!
Even though I don't expect the numbers to be huge yet and I know it will be a waste of time to look since, whether I see them or not, the numbers will be the same, I still look. I can't help it. Part of the fun? A little. It's just cool that Paris is Melting is out there. It's a series I am looking forward to continuing and it just makes me smile. I'm looking forward to hearing what you guys think of it so download a copy and let me know!

Anyway, now that Paris is Melting is out, I am able to check my sales (or lack thereof) anytime I want. Is this a nifty gadget? Yes. Should I do it very often? No*. See, I knew my sales wouldn't be astronomical right away. It's a new book and I haven't started promoting it yet. Still, even though I'm just glad to see it out there, I keep checking! This is where Indy's sage advice comes in. "Don't look at it, Marcus! No matter what happens, just keep your eyes SHUT!" Ok, so in my mind he says Marcus instead of Marion. Is that weird? NO! Some people get angels talking to them or media advisers. Some of us don't get people in fancy offices looking out for our best interests*! So let me have Indy!!
Even though I don't expect the numbers to be huge yet and I know it will be a waste of time to look since, whether I see them or not, the numbers will be the same, I still look. I can't help it. Part of the fun? A little. It's just cool that Paris is Melting is out there. It's a series I am looking forward to continuing and it just makes me smile. I'm looking forward to hearing what you guys think of it so download a copy and let me know!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
And speaking of ebooks.......

It’s here!
It’s been a long time coming, but my
first direct-to-ebook original is finally here!!
These last several months have been
tough for me for a great many reasons. Output has been slow and distractions
have been at an all-time high. Because of that, this book has taken me a lot
longer than I thought it would. And the longer it took, the longer it seemed it
was going to take before it was finally done. I was going to update the blog
more, but there’s already been too many “it’s almost here” sort of posts and I
know you guys were sick of hearing it. At least, I was sick of writing it.
Well…no more!

The Great War has been over for
eight years, but shockwaves from that global conflict can still be felt.
Airships roar in the skies. Converted DeSotos glide on elevated bi-rails.
Cities are filled with suspicious characters like mad scientists and robots
controlled by shady foreign spies.
Doesn’t sound like the 1935 you’ve
heard of?
Welcome to the world of Jake
Jake was a Marine in The Great War
when things took a turn for the weird. Mines clattered to life and burrowed
underground. Tanks began to hover. Robotic infantrymen charged into gunfire
without twitching. After being reassigned to the Navy’s Special Sciences
Division, Jake got a front row seat as the world was introduced to a
dimensional gateway known as the Altersphere. Once the Altersphere was
breached, things from alien worlds and futuristic societies found their way to
Earth. Scientists rolled up their sleeves and figured out how to use what they
could, dismantling the rest to give birth to a new reality.
Now, Jake works as a private
contractor in the burg of Cincinnati
where his skills are still in high demand. An especially nasty trinket from the
Altersphere has burnt a trail across Europe .
Special Sciences is working off the books on this one. They need someone to
follow the path of destruction back to its source. While Jake is always a
sucker for serving his country, the big-time payday offered by the G-Men
cinches the deal and he answers the call to duty.
….Sounds cool, right? I’ve been
working on this project in some form or another for the better part of a year.
Basically, I took an idea for an alternate reality, set it in one of my
favorite time periods so I could include gangsters, G-men, spies and private
eyes and mixed it with a dash of Indiana Jones for flavor. Pretty much a pulp
adventure goulash of my favorite things. I won’t go into my whole ebook plan
again, but I will stress that it is something I’m very committed to and will be
using that format to publish many more projects. Including Skinners, naturally!
When will the next Skinners be coming out? I’ll start working on it very soon.
Part of my plan is a new website
which will be launching within the week. It’s a gathering spot for me and a
couple other like-minded authors who are leaping into the ebook ocean. I’ll be
maintaining this blog of course, but will also give a link to the new site when
it’s ready. It won’t be long, I promise.
It feels like I’ve been ranting
about striking out on my own for a while and now that it’s here, it feels
really good. When I put this book onto Amazon.com, I thought, “Wow, that was
easy.” Then I remembered all the writing, editing, fixing, thinking, revising,
and other stuff that’s been keeping me up at night for so long. In the words of
Han Solo… “Easy? You call that easy?”
I truly hope you guys take Paris is Melting out for
a spin. It’s funny, retro science fiction chock full of thrills, spills and
shootouts. All the stuff that made me want to be a writer in the first place.
It may have been tough getting this far, but this book was a joy to write. I
did my best to make sure that joy shines through in every page. For now, it’s
out on Kindle and Nook. Here are the links. If you don’t have an ebook reader,
there are free apps for tablet computers, smart phones, desktops, laptops, and
robotic personal assistants. Ok, so they don’t have the robot butlers yet but
they SHOULD! If you like the book, tell a friend. And if you don’t like
it….maybe lie to a lesser-liked acquaintance so they’ll buy a copy. Click here to check it out on Amazon. (B&N link coming soon) It’s only
$2.99, for cripe’s sake!
Great for Dads!!
Here's a nice surprise over at Barnes & Noble's website!
There's a great promotion for all the Skinners ebooks! $0.99 for Blood Blade, $1.99 for Howling Legion and $4.99 for all the others.
Pretty cool. Thanks to Paul over at B&N.com. Much appreciated. If you'd like to pick up some flippin' AWESOME Nook books, just CLICK HERE.
There's a great promotion for all the Skinners ebooks! $0.99 for Blood Blade, $1.99 for Howling Legion and $4.99 for all the others.
Pretty cool. Thanks to Paul over at B&N.com. Much appreciated. If you'd like to pick up some flippin' AWESOME Nook books, just CLICK HERE.
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This is what happens without editors
I'm Marcus Pelegrimas, author of the SKINNERS series. Here you'll find various ramblings about movies, video games, TV, and...oh yeah...those books I write. If there's anything you'd like to discuss, just let me know. I try to update whenever the mood strikes me, so feel free to leave comments. There may be some occasional foul language, but anyone who's too easily offended probably doesn't read my stuff anyway.
Free Stuff
Here's how it goes. As usual, I've got my truckload of promo covers from EOS Books. I'll be going to some conventions, so I hope to see you there and I'll gladly sign your books. If you can't make it to a con, just email me your name, address and any inscription so I can send you a signed cover.
BONUS ---> If you would be so kind as to write up a review for any or all Skinners books and publish it on a site like Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Borders, or any other major review site, I can send you something extra. I made up some bookmarks (which I'll sign) and I've even put together some Shimmy's VIP passes (which I'll also sign). Can't guarantee the passes will get you into a real strip club, but I think they look pretty cool. Send me a link to your review along with your name, address and inscription, and I'll get these out to you as well.
BONUS ---> If you would be so kind as to write up a review for any or all Skinners books and publish it on a site like Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Borders, or any other major review site, I can send you something extra. I made up some bookmarks (which I'll sign) and I've even put together some Shimmy's VIP passes (which I'll also sign). Can't guarantee the passes will get you into a real strip club, but I think they look pretty cool. Send me a link to your review along with your name, address and inscription, and I'll get these out to you as well.